It has been two years since the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Many people have gone without electricity for a long time, living under a constant threat of attacks, surrounded by rubble.
This year, Ukraine is battling an even more severe winter. People’s ability to cope has been depleted and many families have no savings to get through another rough season.
The IRC has been distributing essential non-food items like blankets, heaters, hand crank power banks, sleeping bags and shelter materials.
Monthly Giving is the Most Powerful Way to Give
Every day, your gift will help displaced families by investing in their safety, health and education year round. When you choose to donate monthly, you will be joining an exclusive group of donors who receive regular videos, emails and updates about the impact of the IRC's work.
Please make an immediate donation to support our work in Ukraine and more than 50 countries worldwide.
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Two years since the full-scale invasion and Ukraine is battling an even more severe winter. The IRC is working in Ukraine and over 50 countries worldwide, please make an immediate donation today.